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apostille your marriage certificate for Saudi Arabia | One Source Process

Apostille Your Marriage Certificate for Saudi Arabia

If you travel to Saudi Arabia for business and wish to bring your spouse, you may need to prove you are married. In Saudi Arabia, unmarried couples are generally not allowed to live together. The country follows strict Islamic law, and even public displays of affection can cause trouble for you. Recently, Saudi Arabia has been working towards changing and modernizing their country, but these changes take time.

If you are a non-Muslim couple, you may be allowed to live together if you have the proper documentation proving you are married in the US. One way to prove this is to apostille your marriage certificate.

Apostille Your Marriage Certificate

The process to apostille your marriage certificate for Saudi Arabia can be complicated and time-consuming. That is why we have the experts to do it for you.

In the past, when doing business between countries, you had to validate your document with the destination country’s embassy. However, since the Hague Convention of 1961, all member countries now accept the apostille to show the document’s authenticity. Non-member countries still require embassy legalization.

Saudi Arabia joined the Hague Convention in 2016 and therefore, now accept the apostille.

Your first step is to make a copy of the original marriage license or obtain a certified copy. You can get this from the county where you were married or online at VitalCheck.

Once you have that… we can take over.

Working With One Source Process

Our ordering process is easy. It is so easy that you can use us to apostille all required documents. When working abroad, it is common to be required to produce several official documents, and each must have its own apostille.

To begin working with us:

  • Fill out the Order Form here.
  • Upload a copy of the original marriage certificate or a certified copy.
  • We will review all documents for FREE and let you know of any wrong or missing information.
  • When ready, we will send you a pricing invoice and timeline for completion.

We have been obtaining apostilles since 2010. Let our experts deal with the governmental red tape for you. We will contact the Secretary of State and quickly obtain the apostille for you.

Your marriage license and any other apostilled documents must be translated into Arabic, the official language of Saudi Arabia. We can do that for you too. There is no reason to spend extra time and trouble finding someone to translate the marriage license and the apostille.

We take care of you from beginning to end.

We are available 7 days a week, so please Contact Us if you have questions before or during the apostille process.

Sep 22, 2023 / by Brandon Yoshimura


  1. Munazza Ahmed
    January 3, 2024 at 2:40 am


    I need apostile on my marriage license( American) for KSA.

    What is the cost ?

    1. Danny
      January 3, 2024 at 4:43 pm

      Hello Munazza,

      We can assist! To ensure that we can process your documents accurately and promptly, we kindly request that you upload a copy of them for review through our order form available at After submitting your request, one of our specialists will be assigned to review your documents and provide you with a quote and review results via email. If you choose to proceed with the service, the specialist will also send you a payment link to start the apostille process.

      Thank you,


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